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Storage Department services

The CESNET Storage Department provides a backup and archiving service. It is available to all users with MetaCentrum login and password.

Storage Department data policies will be described to a certain level at this page. For more detailed information, users should however navigate the Storage Department documentation pages.

Data storage technology in Storage department has changed by May 2024

For a long time the data were stored on hierarchical storage machine ("hsm" for short) with a directory structure accessible from /storage/du-cesnet.
Due to end-of-life state and multiple hardware failures the HSM storages were disconnected. User data have been transferred to machines with Object storage technology.
Object storage is successor of HSM with slightly different set of commands, i.e. it does not work in the precisely same way (sadly).

Ask for help, they are prepared for many questions from users

Object storage is a different paradigm than good old Linux filesystem, so yes, this is a big change for most of our users and not a very easy one to grasp. The people in Storage department know this and they are prepared to answer your questions.
Please be aware that MetaCentrum user support ( can provide only limited advice as the data storage is out of the scope of MetaCentrum services.

Below you will find short description of main object storage (S3) command and usage.

Object storage


First you need to contact data storage support and request them to obtain s3 credenials.

To work with S3 storage, you need to obtain S3 credentials aws_access_key_id (aka "access key") and aws_secret_access_key (aka "secret key") from Storage Department admins.


There are more clients to work with s3 storages - see guide on Storage Department pages.


Create a configuration file /storage/brno2/home/user123/.s3cfg:

host_base =
use_https = True
host_bucket =
Basic s3cmd commands
Bucket operations
s3cmd ls List all s3 buckets
s3cmd mb s3://newbucket Create of new s3 bucket
s3cmd rb s3://newbucket Remove s3 bucket
s3cmd du s3://newbucket/ List s3 bucket size
Files and directories operations
s3cmd ls s3://newbucket/ List content of s3 bucket
s3cmd put file.txt s3://newbucket/ Upload a file
s3cmd put -r directory s3://newbucket/ Upload directory
s3cmd get s3://newbucket/file.txt Download file from s3 bucket
s3cmd del s3://newbucket/file.txt
$ s3cmd del s3://newbucket/directory
Delete data from s3 bucket
s3cmd sync /local/path/ s3://newbucket/backup/ Data sync into s3 bucket
s3cmd sync s3://newbucket/backup/ ~/restore/ Data sync from s3 bucket


Create a configuration file /storage/brno2/home/user123/.aws/credentials:

aws_access_key_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
max_concurrent_requests = 200
max_queue_size = 20000
multipart_threshold = 128MB
multipart_chunksize = 32MB
Basic aws commands
Bucket operations
aws s3 --profile my-profile --endpoint-url ls List all s3 buckets
aws s3 --profile my-profile --endpoint-url mb s3://test1 Create of new s3 bucket
aws s3 --profile my-profile --endpoint-url rb s3://test1 Remove s3 bucket
Files and directories operations
aws s3 --profile my-profile --endpoint-url cp C:/Users/User/Desktop/ s3://test1 Upload a file
$ aws s3 --profile my-profile --endpoint-url cp s3://test1/ C:\Users\User\Downloads\ Download file from s3 bucket
$ aws s3 --profile my-profile --endpoint-url rm s3://test1/ Delete data from s3 bucket