module avail tmolex/
TmoleX is a graphical user interface to quickly handle Turbomole calculations.
While quantum chemistry suites have traditionally been developed for a command line or script based use, TmoleX allows you to do quantum chemistry after a few minutes of introduction. It is the perfect tool for occasional Turbomole use.
Open graphical interface
To get GUI connection, we recommend to open OnDemand --> Interactive Apps --> MetaCentrum Desktop.
On the desktop, click on the Xterm icon and load a chosen TmoleX module. According to version, type the name of the binary file (see below) to launch TmoleX.
To get a broader overview of GUI possibilities, view the Graphical access page.
TmoleX binaries
$ module avail tmolex/19
$ TmoleX19 # binary for tmolex/19 and tmolex/19-smp modules
$ module avail tmolex/21-mpi
$ TmoleX21 # binary for tmolex/2021, tmolex/2021-mpi and tmolex/2021-smp modules