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Technical Parameters

The NVIDIA DGX H100 system consists of a single compute node,, with the following specifications:

  • 112 CPU cores
  • 2 TB RAM
  • 8× NVIDIA H100 GPU accelerators (each with 80 GB GPU memory)

Access Conditions

Users can apply for computational resources for a 3-month period through the DGX Grant Competition, which is open to research, scientific, and educational organization employees, as well as PhD students.

Applicants must demonstrate:

  • The ability to utilize at least 2, preferably 4 or all 8 GPUs
  • Effective use of NVLink (Multi-GPU) and large GPU memory
  • Research potential and expected results

Approval Process

The application review consists of three steps:

  1. Submission of a PDF file containing the OpenAccess Application request to
  2. Internal review of the request
  3. Notification of competition results within 5 working days

OpenAccess Application

  • OpenAccess Application requests must follow the structure specified below.
  • Popular Abstract
  • Methods and State-of-the-Art
  • Computational Approach, Parallelization, and Scalability
  • Requested Computational Resources
  • The total length must not exceed 5 pages, including figures and tables.
  • Submit a PDF file with the proposal to

Provide a popular abstract that can be published on a website, in newspapers, or similar platforms. This abstract should describe:

  • The proposed research
  • The methodologies used
  • The expected impact

The abstract should be written in a way that is easily understandable by the general public.

Methods and State-of-the-Art

  • Clearly define the research aims and objectives.
  • Provide sufficient detail for reviewers to understand the proposal.
  • Specify if the research is part of an approved H2020, ERC, EuroHPC, or other peer-reviewed national or international projects.
  • Describe the theoretical and computational methods to be used, comparing them with the current state-of-the-art.
  • Outline expected results, including planned publications.

Computational Approach, Parallelization, and Scalability

  • Describe the computational techniques and platforms to be used.
  • Include details on codes, programming languages, libraries, and other software.
  • Explain parallelization and scalability, especially in relation to NVLink (proving that your jobs can effectively utilize 4 or 8 GPUs simultaneously).
  • If possible, provide references and data on your application’s parallel performance, speedup, and scalability.

Requested Computational Resources

  • Justify the requested computational resources.
  • Provide an estimate of the required CPU, RAM, and GPU hours in total and also for a typical job.
  • Explain how the estimated resources were calculated.


Once your request is approved, the DGX H100 cluster is accessible only via the gpu_dgx queue on:

To submit a job to the gpu_dgx queue, use the following command:

qsub -q -l select=1:ngpus=4 -l walltime=10:00:00

Example Job Submission

If you require 8 GPUs for 10 hours, request the entire node by adding the following parameters to your qsub command:

qsub -q gpu_dgx -l select=1:ngpus=8:ncpus=112:mem=2000g:scratch.ssd=1tb -l place=exclhost -l walltime=10:00:00

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