module avail dirac/
DIRAC is a quantum chemistry software for computing molecular properties using relativistic quantum chemical methods.
To use DIRAC, you have to read and accept DIRAC's license agreement.
Non-commercial usage only
Please note that academic license of DIRAC permits only non-commercial usage of the software.
Compilation details
DIRAC21.0 dirac/dirac-21.0-intel-19.0.4-ycozknk
- compiled with Intel CDK 17
compiuled with some compile-time parameters tweaked:
src/prp/dcbexp.h: Variable MAXEXP changed from 350 to 800 src/include/aovec.h: Variable MXCONT changed from 30 to 3000 src/include/mxcent.h: Variable MXCENT changed from 300 to 10000 src/x2c/x2c_cfg.F90: Variable x2c_mxcent changed from 300 to 10000 src/prp/dcbxpp.h: Variable MAXLPP changed from 40 to 400
After setting these values in the source files, the program was compiled using these parameters:
./setup --mpi --extra-cxx-flags=-mcmodel=medium --extra-cc-flags=-mcmodel=medium --extra-fc-flags=-mcmodel=medium --prefix=/software/dirac/16-newest
cd build && make depend && make -j && make install
- compiled with OpenMPI 2.1.1, using the Intel Parallel Studio 2017's C/C++/Fortran compiler.
- compiled with parallel Intel MKL library, 64-bit integers and tweaked compile-time parameters