Run simple job
Welcome to the basic guide on how to run calculations in the Metacentrum grid service. You will learn how to
- navigate between frontends, home directories and storages,
- make use of batch and interactive job,
- submit a job to a PBS server,
- set up resources for a job,
- retrieve job output.
To start, you need to
- have a Metacentrum account
- be able to login to a frontend node
- have elementary knowledge of the Linux command line
If anything is missing, see Access section.
Lifecycle of a job
Batch job
A typical use case for grid computing is a non-interactive batch job, when the user only prepares input and set of instructions at the beginning. The calculation itself then runs independently on the user.
Batch jobs consist of the following steps:
- User prepares data to be used in the calculation and instructions what is to be done with them (input files + batch script).
- The batch script is submitted to the job planner (PBS server), which stages the job until the required resources are available.
- After the PBS server has released the job to be run, the job runs on one of the computational nodes.
- At this time, the applications (software) are loaded.
- When the job is finished, results are copied back to the user’s directory according to instructions in the batch script.
Interactive job
Interactive job works in different way. The user does not need to specify in advance what will be done, neither does not need to prepare any input data. Instead, they first reserve computational resources and, after the job starts to run, work interactively on the CLI.
The interactive job consists of the following steps:
- User submits request for specified resources to the PBS server
- PBS server stages this request until the resources are available.
- When the job starts running, user is redirected to a computational node’s CLI.
- User does whatever they need on the node.
- When the user logs out of the computational node or when the time reserved for the job runs out, the job is done.
Batch vs interactive
A primary choice for grid computing is the batch job. Batch jobs allow users to run massive sets of calculations without the need to overview them, manipulate data, etc. They also optimize the usage of computational resources better, as there is no need to wait for user’s input.
Interactive jobs are good for:
- testing what works and what does not (software versions, input data format, bash constructions to be used in batch script later, etc)
- getting first guess about resources
- compiling your own software
- processing, moving or archiving large amounts of data
Interactive jobs are necessary for running GUI application.
Batch job example
The batch script in the following example is called
The last two lines can be piped together.
SCRATCH will be automatically cleaned (by the clean_scratch
utility) only if the copy command finishes without error.
The job is then submitted as
Alternatively, you can specify resources on the command line. In this case, the lines starting by #PBS
need not to be in the batch script.
If both resource specifications are present (on CLI as well as inside the script), the values on CLI have priority.
Interactive job example
An interactive job is requested via qsub -I
command (uppercase “i”).
Unless you log out after 1 hour, you will get the following message:
job ID
Job ID is a unique identifier in a job. Job ID is crucial to track, manipulate or delete job, as well as to identify your problem to user support.
Under some circumstances, the job can be identified by the number only (e.g. 13010171.
). In general, however, the PBS server suffix is needed, too, to fully identify the job (e.g.
You can get the job ID:
- after running the
command - by
in the interactive job or in the batch script - by `qstat -u your_username
Within interactive job:
By qstat
Job status
The basic command for getting the status of your jobs is the qstat
You will see something like the following table:
The letter under the header ‘S’ (status) gives the status of the job. The most common states are:
- Q – queued
- R – running
- F – finished
To learn more about how to track running job and how to retrieve job history, see Job tracking page.
Output files
When a job is completed (no matter how), two files are created in the directory from which you have submitted the job:
- job’s standard output (STDOUT)<job_name>.e<jobID>
- job’s standard error output (STDERR)
STDERR file contains all the error messages which occurred during the calculation. It is a first place where to look if the job has failed.
Job termination
Done by user
Sometimes, you need to delete the submitted/running job. This can be done by qdel
If plain qdel
does not work, add -W
(force del) option:
Done by PBS server
The PBS server keeps track of resources used by the job. In case the job uses more resources than it has reserved, PBS server sends a SIGKILL signal to the execution host.
You can see the signal as Exit_status
on CLI:
Exit status
When the job is finished (no matter how), it exits with a certain exit status (a number).
Exit status is meaningful only for batch jobs
Interactive jobs have always exit status equal to 0.
A normal termination is denominated by 0.
Any non-zero exit status means the job failed for some reason.
You can get the exit status by typing
For older jobs, use pbs-get-job-history
The qstat -x -f
works only for recently finished jobs (last 24 hours). For For older jobs, use the pbs-get-job-history
utility - see advanced chapter on getting info about older jobs.
Alternatively, you can navigate to your list of jobs in PBSmon, go to tab “Jobs” and choose a particular finished job from the list.
A gray table at the bottom of the page contains many variables connected to the job. Search for “Exit status” like shown in the picture below:
Exit status ranges
Exit status can fall into one of three categories, or ranges of numbers.
Exit status range | Meaning |
X < 0 | job killed by PBS; either some resource was exceeded or another problem occured |
0 <= X < 256 | exit value of shell or top process of the job |
X >= 256 | job was killed with an OS signal |
Exit status to SIG*
If the exit status exceeds 256, it means an signal from operation system has terminated the job.
Usually this means the used has deleted the job by qdel
, upon which a SIGKILL
and/or SIGTERM
signal is sent.
The OS signal have an OS code of their own.
Type kill -l
on any frontend to get list of OS signals together with their values.
To translate PBS exit code >= 256 to OS signal type, just subtract 256 from exit code.
For example, exit status of 271 means the OS signal no. 15 (a SIGTERM
PBS exit status
- 256
= OS signal code
Common exit statuses
Most often you will meet some of the following signals:
Type of job ending | Exit status |
missing Kerberos credenials | -23 |
job exceeded number of CPUs | -25 |
job exceeded memory | -27 |
job exceeded walltime | -29 |
normal termination | 0 |
Job killed by SIGTERM (result of qdel ) | 271 |
Manual scratch clean
In case of erroneous job ending, the data are left in the scratch directory. You should always clean the scratch after all potentially useful data has been retrieved. To do so, you need to know the hostname of machine where the job was run, and path to the scratch directory.
Users’ rights allow only rm -rf $SCRATCHDIR/*
, not rm -rf $SCRATCHDIR
For example:
The scratch directory itself will be deleted automatically after some time.
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