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Job tracking

Job info by qstat

The current state of the job can be probed by qstat command.


qstat job_ID # display status of selected job (short format)
qstat -f job_ID # display status of job (long format)
qstat -u user123 # list all user123's running or waiting jobs on PBS server 

Job states

PBS Pro uses different codes to mark job state within the PBS ecosystem.

HHeld. Job is put into a held state by the server, user or administrator. Job stays in a held state until it is released by a user or administrator.
SSuspended (substate of R)
EExiting after having run
XFinished (subjobs only)
WWaiting. Job is waiting for its requested execution time to be reached, or job is delayed due to stagein failure.

Output of running jobs

Although the input and temporary files for calculation lie in $SCRATCHDIR, the standard output (STDOUT) and standard error output (STDERR) are elsewhere.

To see current state of these files in a running job, proceed in these steps:

1. find on which host the job runs by `qstat -f job_ID | grep exec_host2`
2. `ssh` to this host
3. on the host, navigate to `/var/spool/pbs/spool/` directory and examine the files
    - `$PBS_JOBID.OU` for STDOUT, e.g. `13031539.pbs-m1.metacentrum.cz.OU`
    - `$PBS_JOBID.ER` for STDERR, e.g. `13031539.pbs-m1.metacentrum.cz.ER`
4. To watch a file continuously, you can also use a command `tail -f`

For example:

(BULLSEYE)user123@tarkil:~$ qstat -f 13031539.pbs-m1.metacentrum.cz | grep exec_host2
exec_host2 = zenon41.cerit-sc.cz:15002/12
(BULLSEYE)user123@tarkil:~$ ssh zenon41.cerit-sc.cz
user123@zenon41.cerit-sc.cz:/var/spool/pbs/spool$ tail -f 13031539.pbs-m1.metacentrum.cz.OU 

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