Welcome to an overview page concerning software in MetaCentrum.
New software or its version.
Due to the number of available application tools and their versions, we cannot maintain (upgrade) them all periodically. Exceptions are licensed software, compilators, drivers and so on. Softwares are installed/upgraded mainly on personal request at meta@cesnet.cz. We mostly prefer users’ self-installations, and we are ready to help with them.
In this part of the documentation, you will find:
- Software divided by field: list of selected software sorted by field of interest
- How to search for specific software: systematic guide to how to search through modules
- Graphical access: various ways how to work with software with GUI
- Modules: how to load and use modules in MetaCentrum
- Containers: how to use Docker and Apptainer containers in MetaCentrum
- How to install software locally: a guide to user-side software installation
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