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Debian 12 & new PBS server

Recently we set up a new frontend zenith running on Debian 12 - see Complete list of frontends, their homes and OSs.

At the same time, we are preparing to transfer from PBS Pro to Open PBS.

A new Open PBS server pbs-m1.metacentrum.cz is up and running.

Old PBS Pro servers meta-pbs.metacentrum.cz, cerit-pbs.cerit-sc.cz and elixir-pbs.elixir-czech.cz have been decommissioned and their workload was transferred to pbs-m1.metacentrum.cz.

Elixir users

New queue

Users of the elixir group shall submit their jobs to reserved queue elixircz@pbs-m1.metacentrum.cz, e.g.

qsub -l walltime=1:0:0 -q elixircz@pbs-m1.metacentrum.cz -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=400mb:scratch_local=400mb

elixir users still have their reserved pool of nodes with separate planning.

Known issues

Python on Debian 12

  • typing “python” on zenith frontend will get you 3.x.x version of Python
  • if you need some 2.x.x version of Python, you have to add it through a module (module avail python/)

Missing libraries

Try module add debian11/compat if you run into “library XY: no such file or directory” type of problem.

If this does not help, contact us at meta@cesnet.cz

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