OpenMS is a versatile open-source library for mass spectrometry data analysis. Based on this library, it offers a collection of command-line tools ready to be used by end users.
OpenMS The name of the library, which contains the algorithms. Users cannot use this directly.
TOPPView Utils to view and explore LC-MS data, alignments, groups, peptide identifications and more!
TOPPAS A graphical workflow design tool, which allows to create pipelines from all TOPP tools (and UTILS).
TOPP tools A set of command line tools, each of which is a building block of an analysis pipeline. These tools chained together in a way that fits the requirements of the user. Accessible from a command prompt/shell or via TOPPAS.
UTILS Similar to TOPP tools, but with more supporting character, which you’d rarely use in a productive pipeline - but rather during pipeline construction or parameter optimization.
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