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module avail opencv/

OpenCV is a tool for image processing and performing computer vision tasks. It is an open-source library that can be used to perform tasks like face detection, objection tracking, landmark detection, and much more.

Only some OpenCV modules are compiled with GPU support (Cuda).


  • opencv/2.3.2 - for Python 2.6
  • opencv/2.4 - for Python 2.7
  • opencv/2.4-cuda - for Python 2.6
  • opencv/3.2 - for Python 2.7
  • opencv/3.2-cuda - for Python 2.7 and Cuda 8.0
  • opencv/3.3.1-py34 - for Python 3.4
  • opencv/3.4.5-py36 - for Python 3.6
  • opencv/3.4.5-py36-cuda10.1 - for Python 3.6 and Cuda 10.1


OpenCV can be used as a Python library. This module is compiled with Python 2.7 and Numpy support. To initialize your environment, use:

# for opencv/2.4 module
module add python/2.7.5 numpy/1.7.1-py2.7 ffmpeg opencv/2.4
# for older opencv/2.3.2 module
module add python/2.6.2 numpy/py2.6 ffmpeg opencv/2.3.2

Then, in Python, library cv2 is available, you can import it and use it:

import cv2

img = cv2.imread('test.png')

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