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Maple homepage is a general-purpose computer algebra system - an enviroment for sympolic computations, solving scientific and engeneering problems, mathematic research, and/or data visualization, thus allowing a creation of technical publications.



  • Maple 2017.1: 15 floating liceses
  • Maple 16: 30 floating liceses
  • Maple 15: 30 floating liceses

When using a floating license (Maple 15 and 16), it is necessary to ask the scheduling system for a license reservation via the job submission attributes.

Maple 15 and 16

The Maple 15/16 is able to use just more computational threads (i.e., cores on a single node).

It is necessary to ask for a floating license. Thus, the job submission (requiring a single computational node) should be performed as follows:

qsub -l select=1:ncpus=4:mem=16gb -l maple=1 ...

i.e., the job is asking for four cores on a single 64-bit node, 16GB of memory and a single Maple 15/16 license.


The following usage examples are specialized on and tested with the newest Maple version available (Maple 16); their application on the older versions is possible, but might not work.

Once submitting a job, which is intended to perform Maple computations, it is necessary to provide the scheduler with a requirement for available Maple license (thus, the job will be started just once a license becomes available). This requirement is specified by setting the maple job’s property, as shown on the following examples (for another license reservation options see the #License reservation section below).

Interactive use

Provide the scheduling system with a requirement for the number of available nodes/cores and Maple licenses:

qsub -I -l select=1:ncpus=X:... -l maple=1      # requires 1 license, 1 node having X cores

Initialize the Maple environment (“module add maple”) and run the command:

  • maple … for interactive text environment
  • xmaple … for interactive graphical environment

Batch use

Create a job startup script, which initially performs an intialization of the modules subsystem, followed by an initialization of the Maple environment. After that, the script might perform the Maple computations intended:


# initialize the Maple
module add maple

# perform Maple computations
maple < mymaplefile.{txt,mpl}

Subsequently, submit the script together with your requirements for the number of available nodes/cores and Maple licenses:

qsub -l select=1:ncpus=X:... -l maple=1 myScript.sh          # requires 1 license, 1 node having X cores

Integrating Maple with Matlab

The installed Maple Toolbox for Matlab allows two-way integration between Maple and Matlab environments — the toolbox thus allows to combine the Maple’s symbolic computations with Matlab’s numeric computations. See more information about the toolbox at Maple official site.

Usage example (interactive job):

Ask the scheduling system for an interactive job

qsub -I -l select=1:ncpus=X:... -l maple=1            # X ... the number of required cores

initialize the matlab module

module add matlab

start the Matlab having the Maple symbolic toolbox enabled


write the following set of commands into the Matlab worksheet:

maple                    % starts the Maple (might take some time)
syms x y                 % initializes symbolic variables
setmaple('h',ans)        % allows the result to be accessible from the Maple

an access to the resulting formula (h variable) from the Maple environment can be checked by typing the h into the Maple worksheet and pressing Enter — the Matlab formula should be shown.

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