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R and R packages

module avail r/    # versions of R
module avail r-*   # list R packages

R is a programming language and software environment for statistical analysis, graphics representation and reporting.


Search for a particular R package among r- modules

Libraries (packages) for R are istalled in a separate module each with a modulefile name in the form r-PACKAGE.

To list versions of a particular package, run

module avail r-PACKAGE/

To get list of all installed R packages, run a command

module avail r-*

List packages installed within basic R module

Some of the basic libraries are installed together with module for R.

To list all R version, run

module avail r/

After loading a particular version of R, you can list all packages by function installed.packages().

For example:

$ module add r/4.2.1-intel-19.0.4-d3gtjq7
$ R
> installed.packages()

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