Gaussian is package of quantum mechanics programs. Program serves to predict the energies, molecular structures, and vibrational frequencies of molecular systems, along with numerous molecular properties derived from these basic computation types.
Gaussian 03 and Gaussian 09 can be used on the clusters installed in Brno location:
The license for Gaussian 16 is limited only to some node specified in license agreement. To implement this limitation, there is a PBS resource host_licenses
Batch computation
- prepare the job description script, where you should specify the computation, which should be performed over the input file
For example, such a script may look like this one:
Pass the startup script to the scheduler together with resource requirements:
Linda computations (using more machines)
Module g09/D.01linda
contains Linda version allowing to use more machines.
If you do not use Linda version, other versions permit computing only on one machine, thus it is nonsense to plan computation on more machines. Although job submission in form
with Y > 1 will not end with an error, it will compute only on one machine like you submit it with select=1:ncpus=X
parameter. This results in overcomming the requested resources on memory or scratch size and the job would be killed.
The script remains the same, we only change module add g09
for module add g09/D.01linda
and submit the job with given number of machines N
Interactive computation
Ask for an interactive job having a single node with a specified number of processors (ppn parameter), specified amount of memory (mem parameter), and specified amount of scratch space (scratch parameter — in KB) reserved:
Load the Gaussian module into the environment:
Prepare the Gaussian input file (named e.g.
Run the computation
(alternatively: g09 < >myjob.out
Q: How to tell Gaussian to limit the size of the used /scratch? How to determine, what size had been really used?
A: Once a Gaussian computation finishes, it informs the user about the size of used files in the following form:
It is possible to limit the amount of the used scratch space using the directives %RWF=,%Int=,%D2E= in the form (if more space is necessary, the computation crashes):
It is also necessary to tell PBS to reserve such a space on the scratch — do it using the -l scratch=XXX parameter (see more information in Scratch storage). The following example ensures an allocation of 200 GB space on the /scratch volume of the worker node::
To set the RWF parameter automatically (based on the resources really reserved for a job), please, use the g09-prepare
command (see above). When using this script for large computations, one may let the script to let the scratch space separate into multiple files, which may be automatically erased by Gaussian during the computation (%NoSave).
Note: Alternatively, the amount of scratch space may be limited using the MaxDisk=200GB
parameter (however, this is just a hint for some computation methods, which are able to work with a disk using different ways — generally, this parameter does not ensure exceeding of the specified value.)
Q: Memory alocation in program Gaussian version G03.E01 does not work. What should I do?
A: If you get a warning: “buffer allocation failed in ntrext1.” just after running the program, use as work directory $SCRATCHDIR instead of $HOME (there is an error in the new version, that occurs according type of file system)
Q: I think there is a problem with the node orca14-2
. Gaussian computings have fallen down immediately after running with error message (every time in different part of the log file) “Erroneous write. Write 8192 instead of 12288.”
A: Reason of this failure is that your disk is full of undeleted Gaussian helping files. These files are remains from your previous computings which weren’t successful. You can avoid this situation by deleting all helping files after the end of computing.
Q: Which settings are necessary for Linda version?
A: You should specify
where the first defines how many cores you need per machine, and the second parameter is the list of machines. g09-prepare
sets both parameters by default.
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